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Snow Season Arrived Early, and We’re Super Stoked

How California ski resorts are upping the game on slope safety.

California is already experiencing snowfall in the Sierras and Mammoth, and that’s great news for skiers and snowboarders anxious to get a head start on what could be another epic season.

Anticipating big crowds over the next few months, the California ski industry launched a Mountain Safety Guide to help educate snow enthusiasts, especially new or younger visitors, on the best practices for staying safe on the slopes. Dozens of resorts will be handing out this information starting this season.

Tips include avoiding objects on the runs, staying safe in deep snow and even what to do in the event of avalanche. KABC-Los Angeles recently featured a segment on the new guide, which includes a cameo from a rather adorable avalanche rescue dog named Ike. It’s worth a view, whether or not you plan to hit the slopes soon.

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